"Don’t Just Create A Business Because You Want A Business. Create A Business Out Of Something That You Love And Something That’s Important To You.”
Hi! It's nice to "meet" you. I'm Aminat, the founder of The Striving Empire, a brand rooted in Faith, Sisterhood, Empowerment and Community. I'm a foodie, avid reader and obsessed with all things politics and development.
Accountability & ProductivityBUSINESS //“I didn’t get it done today. I’ll do it next week”. “I’ll work harder”. “Things will be different”. I’m sure we’ve all made statements like this to ourselves at one time or another. While a lack of time and having too much to do does play a role in not completing tasks, the bulk of the problems comes from our lack of accountability.
Here are some tips to help you become more productive and accountable. Managing my busy lifeBusiness //Every business owner has a lot of priorities to juggle and managing how to balance all of these priorities is definitely an art form. On top of all of my business and professional endeavors, I still have my #1 job of being a wife and mother.
How do I manage my busy life? Find out here. |
ABOUT AminatHi!
I am Aminat O. OdunEwu-Seese. The owner and founder of Striving Flawlessly. I was born in Lagos, Nigeria but grew up in Chicago, IL, USA. I am a multi-passionate business owner with a focus on developing myself, growing my businesses, having a fulfilled career and helping others do the same. |
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